Meaning of Life and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

I know I am supposed to start a project on the origin of the universe.  But I came across this interesting perspective on the meaning of life. The article claims that life is nature's way of releasing locked free energy in CO2, in order to adhere to the second law of thermodynamics (entropy increases).  If this really is the case, then our mere existence already fulfills the purpose of life.  Whatever else we achieve in life is simply extra!    I refuse to subscribe to this theory because this puts me in the same class as a cockroach, except that I burn more energy and have a bigger contribution to entropy. Woohoo! However, it does raise a point in that the Earth we live on seems to be a intelligent system with its constituent organisms all serving a common purpose.  What will the next article say?  That all creatures are interconnected in a giant neural network like on Pandora?



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