AI: To Be or Not to Be

Artificial intelligence is everywhere in our world today.  For better or worse, it is growing fast!  Children use it for school work.  Love birds plan their honeymoon with AI itineraries.  Workers rely on robo advisors for their retirement funds.  Name a daily task or chore, and chances are AI plays a role in some capacity. 
This includes writing.  I have seen AI write me travel reviews, company profiles, CVs, and many other things.  Its writing techniques are sound.  This leads me to the million dollar question: Should I continue blogging on my own or through AI?  

After some contemplation, I decided to use both.  I will definitely write my own mind instead of relying on ideas and arguments from AI.  Even if it means from time to time, bad logic, clumsy sentence structures, poor choice of vocab.  I will use AI to proofread and correct all those mistakes however, and make it easier on the eyes for my readers.  There you go, it doesn't have to be binary after all. 

AI is here to stay, and before judgment day comes, we should all embrace it and leverage its wonders.  

p.s., the writing in this post has no AI involvement whatsoever.  It is all me.



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